How to: Generate Store Capacity Report

You can view the calculated Store Capacity via the Store Capacity Report. This report gives information on:

  • Inventory - current inventory
  • Goal Capacity - user defined store capacity goal
  • Actual Capacity - calculated actual used capacity
  • Capacity % - calculated capacity percentage, which is the ratio of the used capacity to the defined capacity goal
  • New Inventory - total of the current inventory and the inventory added in the linked replenishment journal
  • New Capacity - total of the actual capacity and the capacity added in the linked replenishment journal
  • New Capacity % - calculated new capacity percentage, which is the ratio of the new capacity to the defined capacity goal.

To generate a Store Capacity Report

  1. Click the icon, enter Store Capacity, and select the relevant link (under Reports and Analysis).
  2. Alternatively, on the Store Capacity page, click Report - Store Capacity Report.
  3. Select a Season code, if you want to display only the seasonal items.
  4. Define an Accepted Coverage %, if there is any.
  5. Select the Show Items check box to have the itemize information.
  6. Select the Show Zero Capacity check box to show all Store Capacity lines including those with zero inventory and capacity.
  7. Select an option in the Show Values As field, it determines which fields will be shown in the report. The available options and the shown fields are:

    • Effective Inventory/Capacity - Eff. Inventory, Goal Capacity, Actual Eff. Capacity, Eff. Capacity %
    • Actual Inventory/Capacity - Inventory, Goal Capacity, Actual Capacity, Capacity %
    • New Effective Inventory/Capacity - New Eff. Inventory, Goal Capacity, New Eff. Capacity, New Eff. Capacity %
    • New Inventory/Capacity - New Inventory, Goal Capacity, New Capacity, New Capacity %

    For more information on the fields, see How to: Calculate Store Capacity.

  8. Click Print or Preview.

See Also

Store Capacity

How to: Set Up Store Capacity